The rock harbor church logo has a blue wave and a cross on it.


At Rock Harbor we don't have church members.

At Rock Harbor we have church Ambassadors.

We are Ambassadors for Christ;
God is making his appeal through us.

2 Corinthians 5:20

Why Ambassadors?

In the heart of 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, our desire is that everyone knows that belonging to a church is not to receive something, but to be a part of something greater. That you get to be a part of the ministry of reconciliation that God wants to do in each of us, so that He can do it then through us to our community and world.

If you haven't already, please read through our entire web page of 'Who We Are' so that you can know and understand the story of Rock Harbor Church.

Who We Are

Our Affirmations

Rock Harbor is proud to be a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church. The immigrants who founded the Covenant were products of a trans-Atlantic evangelical renewal movement that emphasized life in the Spirit over the rigid confessions of the state church. Valuing genuine devotion over empty ritual, they renounced forms of church life that elevated doctrinal confessions over Scripture, and that sought to control the individual’s conscience. Rather, they viewed personal faith as evidence of a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. They often asked each other, “How goes your walk with Jesus?” and “What do the Scriptures say?”

We hope that as you read our affirmations (on the 'who we are' web page) you will find yourself identifying with them in your own faith experience. Before taking next steps to become an Ambassador with Rock Harbor...please watch this 15-minute video recording a mosaic of Covenant leaders.

Affirmations Video

The Ministry of Rock Harbor

God has called Rock Harbor to be a church of reconciliations. Through this we are pursuing to always be a Healthy Missional Church that is leading people to be Fully Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ.

One tool that we use to guide us as individuals is the acronym of Catch the W.A.V.E. as detailed on the on the 'who we are' web page.

Another tool for the church are the 10 Healthy Missional Markers. Please review them to know our goals as a church.

Missional Markers

The beginning of the Rock Harbor Relational Covenant States: we seek to see all people transformed through the Holy Spirit into Fully Devoted Followers of Christ (John 15:5)guided through a Centrality of the Word of God. We laugh together, eat together, encourage each other, have fun together, serve each other, and forgive each other. We are a family, and life is better together. As we live out that mission with Jesus, in community, it is important to have mutually agreed upon, biblical guidelines that guide our actions, attitudes, and communications.

Please, review the Rock Harbor Relational Covenant that all our Ambassadors are asked to abide to.

RHFL Relational Covenant

Are you asking now?

"Why even have members or ambassadors of the church?"
"Does this exclude people from being a part of the church?"
"Is the word membership even in the Bible?"

Those are great questions and you may have even more.

At Rock Harbor, we believe in what is called church Polity and we desire to be a Congregational Church. That means that the authority of the church is the Body of Christ that intensifies within a specific congregation and not the Lead Pastor nor an outside denominational body although we do commit to do ministry in harmony with the ECC.

By having a written Constitution & Bylaws to govern our church it allows us to be a church that is in order as the Bible calls us to be. So no, the word membership is not the Bible. Neither is the word budget and I'm glad we have one of those too. However, the Bible does call us to be Ambassadors of Christ.

Nearly every ministry opportunity is open to anyone from our community to participate in at Rock Harbor.

Active Ambassadors are given the authority to vote at congregational and annual meetings with the ministry of Rock Harbor and may even represent our church as a voting delegate to Conference and Denominational activities. At times, all Ambassadors will be asked to affirm their Ambassador Commitment to stay as Active & Voting Ambassadors of Rock Harbor. This allows for us to encourage people in their discipleship journey as well as keeping a tidy roster to who is active within the ministry of Rock Harbor.

Anyone is welcome to apply to be an Ambassador that is at least 16 years old.

Click on the the Ambassador Covenant Button below to fill out the application.

Are you ready to become an Ambassador through Rock Harbor Church? 

Next steps...

  1. Complete the
    Ambassador Covenant
  2. Complete the
    RHFL Volunteer Application

    (if you haven't done one before)

Please, prayerfully reflect on the Rock Harbor Ambassadors Commitment. If you have questions along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to us via call/text to (321) 312-1133 or email

Know that we are praying with you and for you.

We are thankful that God is calling us together to be a part of the ministry of reconciliation.

Ambassador Covenant Volunteer Application
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